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Videa a podcasty

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Hidden Secrets of Money Ep 1

Money vs Currency

6. 3. 2019 | | Rubrika: Videa a podcasty | Komentářů: 0

The Coming Retirement Crisis

Real Vision™

5. 3. 2019 | | Rubrika: Videa a podcasty | Komentářů: 0

Why I'm Buying The Safe-Haven Assets, Right Now

It is going to be a global crisis, the magnitude of which we never seen

5. 3. 2019 | | Rubrika: Videa a podcasty | Komentářů: 0

How The Economic Machine Works by Ray Dalio

Vysvětlení podstaty a průběhu ekonomických cyklů 

5. 3. 2019 | | Rubrika: Videa a podcasty | Komentářů: 0

Something about retirement

From Lance Roberts show 

5. 3. 2019 | | Rubrika: Videa a podcasty | Komentářů: 0